Sunday, July 12, 2009

18 weeks today!

I can't believe the baby is now 18 weeks. The baby is now 5 1/2 inches long and 7 ounces. Crazy.

For the last week or so, I've been feeling some twinges that could be the baby moving. It feels like little vibrations. I've heard of people feeling little gas bubbles, which is actually pretty similar to what I'm feeling. I'm still not positive that I've felt movement, but there's a good chance that I am. I guess I'll know in a few more weeks.

Today we ordered the crib and dresser. I'm excited about this, but also a little freaked out. For some reason, that makes it even more real. In 22 more weeks, there will be a baby here who will sleep in our house and who we will actually take home with us. That kind of hit me when we ordered the furniture. Here are pictures of it.

How far along? 18 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I think I gained back about a pound of the five pounds I lost in 1st Tri, so I'm probably around -4 now.
Maternity clothes? I started wearing maternity capris more often. They are so comfy. I haven't been wearing maternity tops though.
Stretch marks? Nothing new.
Sleep: I've started staying up a bit later now, though I end up getting so tired that it's hard to go up to bed. I've also been using the snoogle almost every night because my lower back gets tired.
Best moment this week: Ordering the nursery furniture.
Movement: I think I'm starting to feel movement. It feels like little vibrations so far.
Food cravings:
I've been really into yellow cupcakes lately.
Gender: Right now I'm thinking girl, but I'm really not sure. I'll find out Thursday though!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Strawberry margaritas and regular Pepsi.
What I am looking forward to: The big ultrasound on Thursday!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Go to bed before you get so tired that you can barely walk up the stairs!
Milestones: I'm probably starting to feel the baby move.

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