Sunday, July 26, 2009

Halfway there!

I have officially hit the halfway point of my pregnancy--I'm 20 weeks today! Crazy! Now if only I could start to show a little bit--pretty please? I still have no (new) belly. I think my cute baby bump is hiding under a few layers of fat. Oh well.

It would be nice to look pregnant, but I'm psyched that the baby is doing so well. He's been kicking me for a few weeks now and I've already felt him a couple of times today. It's such a cool feeling.

How far along? 20 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I gained back two pounds at my last appointment, but I'm still down three pounds.
Maternity clothes? I wear maternity clothes a little more than half the time. I still have a pair of larger jeans that fits. I really love my maternity capri pants though.
Stretch marks? Nothing new.
Best moment this week: Picking up the crib, dresser, and bedding.
Movement: Yes, and pretty often. Our little boy is very active!
Food cravings:
I've wanted ice cream a lot this week. I'm not sure it was really a craving though.
Gender: Little Andrew Stafford is all boy!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Caffeinated Pepsi and frozen strawberry margaritas.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery painted and the nursery furniture set up.
Weekly Wisdom: Go to bed when you start to get tired, even if it's early.
Milestones: Halfway point!

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