Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First ultrasound today

I had my first ultrasound today and it was beyond AMAZING. It was an internal ultrasound and she was able to find Poppy immediately. DH was with me and he saw the little heartbeat right away (186 BPM).

We also got to see the head and the little stumps for the arms and legs. At one point, Poppy was kicking around and waving at us. The ultrasound tech said everything looks perfect. The baby was measuring at 8 weeks and 5 days (I'm 8 weeks and 3 days today). We could also see the yolk sack and the placenta. It was really amazing.

It was great seeing the baby after all of the stress from this last week. When I went to the doctor last week, my blood pressure was high (140/90). I went to the OB on Monday and he said it was still that high. He is going to be monitoring me and there's a pretty good chance that I'll go on meds at some point since my blood pressure is already high and it's still early. Hopefully everything will be okay. It makes me feel more confident seeing the baby now.

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