Sunday, April 5, 2009

Loving Baby Poppy Seed

I am 4 weeks pregnant today. This week, the baby is the size of a poppy seed. The baby is being fed by the yolk sack, until the placenta forms in the next few weeks. How exciting!

DH and I went out for a nice dinner Friday night to celebrate the baby. He has taken to calling the baby "Poppy." I think it's very cute when he calls the baby that.

We've also planned how we're going to tell our families about the baby. We're going to have my Mom over for dinner Thursday. I bought a baby-style picture frame at Kohl's on Friday. We're going to put "Save the Date: December 13, 2009" in the picture frame. We also ordered a Grateful Dead onesie to tell DH's parents. It's really cute. It has one of the Grateful Dead bears sitting on a half-moon. Adorable! They are big Grateful Dead fans, so this should be great. We are going to wait until after our 10-week appointment to tell the rest of our family. We're really looking forward to telling our parents though. It's cute to see DH so excited about that.

I do find myself being constantly nervous that something is going to go wrong though. I check the toilet paper every time I use the bathroom to check for blood. Luckily, all has been good so far. I'm hoping that I will feel better after I talk to the doctor tomorrow about my bloodwork. I'm still nervous that my HcG levels were pretty low. I think they were pretty normal for this early in my pregnancy. I wonder if they're going to send me for follow-up bloodwork, or if they are just going to say everything is fine. I'm also not thrilled that my first appointment isn't until 10 weeks on May 12. I've seen other people on The Bump who get to see their doctors and hear the heartbeat way before then. I just hope my doctor isn't too layed back--because I'm not layed back. Oh well, maybe it will be good overall.

I guess I really do need to calm down about my nerves. There really is nothing I can do if I'm going to miscarry or have a chemical pregnancy. I'm just so scared about that. Either way, today I am pregnant, and I love my baby. I really want this baby to grow up big and strong. I have such dreams for the baby and I can't wait to get to know him or her.

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