Friday, April 3, 2009

I am pregnant!!!

I am pregnant! I am still in shock really. Wednesday morning, I got what I thought was an evaporation line. I was still hopeful, but when I got to work and looked it up, it sounded like the textbook evaporation line. On the way home, I went to the $ Tree and bought 10 tests (hey, they're only $1 each!).

The test was still barely visible at that point. I had another (more expensive) test under the sink that I was saving (maybe for a special occasion?). I decided to try that one as well--and it showed a line. I found DH and showed him. It was so light though. I know "a line is a line," but I wasn't super confident. I decided to drive to CVS to get a digital test. I ended up buying a three-pack of digitals and one other type of test. When I got home, the digital test said "not pregnant," but the other test had a really faint line. At that point, I thought I probably was pregnant, but I was trying not to get my hopes up too much. My plan was to wait until Thursday morning and test with FMU (first morning urine).

On Thursday morning, I woke up an hour before normal and laid in bed. When my alarm went off, I jumped up to pee in a cup. I used the digital, the $ tree, and the other test that I bought. The digital showed up "pregnant" pretty quickly. The other test did too. The $ tree test was really only a shadow, but it showed up eventually.

I woke DH up to help me read the tests. He walked over bleary eyed, expecting to see really faint lines. I had him look at the digital first. He just stared at it for a second, not really believing it at first. Then we hugged for about 10 minutes. At one point, he whispered in my ear to say "see, my plan worked" (see previous month's post about DH's TTC plan). I just can't believe this is happening. I'm sooo happy!

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