As for me, I'm feeling super pregnant already, which is ridiculous since it's so early. I have nausea pretty much every morning. I've also been exhausted and in needs of naps each day. Last night I had to pee three times, which is crazy. I can't believe I had that much in me.
I had my first pregnancy-hormone breakdown on Wednesday as well. DH yelled at me because I've been complaining a lot about the accident he had last fall that is still causing problems with his car. I started balling in the car and had to pull over to a rest area to cry for 10 minutes before getting myself together. DH was with me and he was pretty horrified by my hormones. When I finally stopped crying, I saw how horrible I looked, which made me start crying again. Ah,
I am also taking a mindfulness-based stress reduction class with my Mom. It's been really good so far and I am learning to meditate, which isn't usually my still. I like it though. The teacher was telling a story about a dog being put down (the point was about how dogs live life to the fullest, I guess). Well, I can't handle those kinds of stories, even on a good day. I started crying and had to run upstairs to the bathroom to ball my eyes out. Ugh. I feel like such a baby yesterday with all of my hormones and pregnancy symptoms. I feel so lucky for being pregnant and I can't wait for Poppy, but I wish I was better at being pregnant. Hopefully my body will straighten itself out soon so I can stop being such a wreck.