Sunday, June 21, 2009

Poppy is 15 weeks today

Today Poppy has reached 15 weeks old and is the size of an Apple! I can't believe how big he/she is getting. My pregnancy has been going pretty well so far. I'm down about 5 pounds at this point. I just haven't had any appetite lately and whenever I eat I get full right away. Oh well, I'm not going to complain for now. I'm sure my appetite will pick up at some point.

I've also been seeing a high-risk doctor because my blood pressure has been high. I was pretty freaked out about this in the beginning, but I've mostly come to terms with it. Although my blood pressure is high, the doctor thinks I'm okay for now without meds--though I don't think I'm going to make it through the pregnancy without meds at this point. I have to take my blood pressure every night. If it stays up for more than two nights, then I'll probably need meds.

I've also noticed that I have no memory now that I'm pregnant. On Thursday, I had a big goof up. I was five minutes from work when I realized that it was 7:25 and not 8:25. I had driven the entire way to work without realizing that I was an hour early! I must have reset the time on my alarm clock. Ugh. I was so exhausted in the afternoon. I ended up leaving an hour early, which was good because I desperately needed a nap.

DH and I have also been arguing a little more than usual lately. We just haven't been very understanding of each other. It stinks because we have been getting along really well until this week. He has been getting frustrated and every time he raises his voice I start to cry and I shut down. It's not very conducive to talking things out. We really need to work on this going forward. We had a long talk last night after our latest argument, so I'm optimistic that we'll be able to lay off each other a little more. I sure hope so. My hormones just aren't great right now and I can't really take much arguing.

How far along? 15 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Down about five pounds
Maternity clothes? I have a few tops and a pair of capris and shorts. I'd like to get a pair of maternity jeans, if I can find some that fit well.
Stretch marks? I have small ones on the sides of my breasts. :(
Sleep: I'm still really tired, though I'm able to stay up a little later than I could few weeks ago. I can usually stay up until 9:30--instead of 8:30.
Best moment this week: Giving DH his father's day present--a onesie with his band's logo.
Movement: Nope, though I'm hoping for some in the next few weeks.
Food cravings:
None right now. I haven't been very hungry.
Gender: Early on I was convinced we were having a girl, then I thought it was a boy. Right now I'm really not sure.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Having energy and drinking caffeinated sodas.
What I am looking forward to: My next ultrasound on 7/2. I'll be 16 weeks 4 days then and I'm hopeful that we'll be able to find out the baby's sex.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't complain about not having an appetite--you'll get it back soon enough.
Milestones: Hearing a strong heartbeat on the doppler at the doctor's office--166!

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